PS Game Home - Horror Games: Resident Evil: Survivor Resident Evil: Survivor by Capcom USA Platform: PlayStation ESRB Rating: Mature ASIN: B00004WMVL Check price @ , , Features: • First-person shooting game • Based on the Resident Evil series • Collect weapons and destroy scores of hideous creatures • Free-roaming environment--no missions or tracks to follow • Surprise elements and hidden secrets entwine with other Resident Evil games A first-person-shooter based on the Resident Evil series of "survival horror" video games, Resident Evil: Survivor is an unfortunate casualty of political correctness. It's painfully obvious that this game was meant to be played with a light gun, which the Japanese version supports, but the U.S. version decidedly does not. Instead, a rudimentary control scheme using the PlayStation controller has been substituted, one which is simply ill-suited for the otherwise unmodified arcade-style gameplay. Were it not for this major shortcoming, Resident Evil: Survivor's other flaws would be more tolerable, if not excusable. The attempt here to graft various elements of the Resident Evil games onto a shoot-'em-up just doesn't take. The plot--which casts the player as an amnesiac who survives a helicopter crash only to find himself in a foreboding town swarming with zombies and other hideous biotechnological mutations--is more of a side story to the Resident Evil saga, and not a very interesting one at that. The game's puzzles practically solve themselves, and while your character is free (more or less) to go where he pleases, the gameplay is so terribly linear that it might as well take place on a predetermined track. Once you factor in the game's coarse graphics, choppy animation, and spotty sound, what you're left with here is far more horrible than horrifying. --Joe Hon Pros: Provides some side-story elements to the Resident Evil saga Cons: No light gun support; substituted controls ill-suited for arcade-style gameplay Coarse graphics, choppy animation, and spotty sound Short game length with practically no replay value Product Description: Raccoon City isn't the only home of the dreaded T-virus. A failed escape attempt leaves you alone in the middle of a nightmare of hideous, mutated creatures. Resident Evil: Survivor is a first-person shooter based on the story of the landmark adventure-game series. Quick reflexes and nerves of steel are key here; there are no missions, no predetermined tracks, nothing to do except survive. And because you're looking through the eyes of the game's sole hero, you must never forget to look behind you. Customer Reviews: Meh, it's alright, September 21, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from USA I already knew that this game wasn't going to be as good as the other ones, but I decided that when it came out I was going to get it just to add it to my collection. Well, it wasn't too bad of an idea, the game is not total .... but I knew that the Playstation would not be able to handle something like this. Capcom should've waited till the PS2 came out and THEN they should've put this game out. The best part of this game is just the whole first-person gig, I actually didn't think Capcom would go through with it but they did. However it is pretty cheap in some ways, besides the graphics. Whenever you run by an enemy that jumps toward you (e.g. licker or hunter) they will not damage you at all, and also the acting is just horrible. The acting in this game makes Resident Evil 1's sound like a Metal Gear game or something. I cannot fathom a reason as to why some people think this game is better than the others (and it's not), if they think that they need some serious help (especially that gamer from partridge who said nemesis is a waste of time *rolls eyes*). Either way, if you are kind of curious about this game I suggest you rent it first. Its a good game, Oh yes it is!, July 2, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from texas One of the best games ever played on this planet, NOW ON MARS, IT WOULD BE SPIDERMAN ON PLAYSTATION, however since this is earth, i will have to consider this is an all time favorite all fans of pure horror. it doesn't let you down like those pathetic horror movies of the new millenium. this game has actual horror and the puzzles are tough, they are so tough, that this game and others like it are helping decline the ratings of the wwe. this game and spongebob square pants are taking vince to the cleaners. Another excellent instalment to the RE series, June 7, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Shabbington, Bucks England Apart from the fact that most people think this game is awful. This game is a first for the RE series a first-person shoot'em up. This game has a new hero, the same enemy (Umbrella) but a different city. You have a short prologe at the start about what happened in Racoon city. Then a fast introdution. The man your suppose to be is suffering from amniesa after being in a chopper crash. It brings back many of the creatures and animals (and course zombies) from the previous games this I think will make some RE fans quite pleased to see some of the old foes. There are some new ones also such as the "cleaners" mutant humans with SWAT suite and a machine gun. Fast but simple to kill. Also new types of "lickers" with a slight difference which is the claws. Many of sounds and noises are back but the gore has been alost taken out in this RE which is not always abad thing. There are a few puzzles mostly to find keys ect. This is never a down side in my opinion because at least RE keeps to its roots unlike other games. The plot has a brilliant twist to it and its quite gripping at times. There are no cinematic scenes I say SO WHAT! This game works brilliantly without them. The plot is wonderful not so much scares but how a shoot'em up is quite free and concentrating on the shooting of zombies to looking at info in the other games such as "Nemesis" is mentioned on one of the papers or diarys I picked also mentioning of Leon Kennedy from the second RE also Claire Redfield (From RE 1 and 2) and Jill Valentine (From RE 1 and 3). This is perfect in keeping (some) gamers intersted. Overall this sets the origanal and new in a fairly smooth way it. Introducing a new hero and also some more characters to the series. Its worth getting if your a fan are just curious. Biohazard, May 18, 2002 Reviewer: A 12-year old gamer Residant Evil: Survivor or Biohazard: Survivor (Japanese name)is not at all like I had expected. There was practicly no blood...let alone gore. I played it a a movie theater (even though it was called Biohazard, I knew it was the same thing) and after I was done I thought "What a waste of money!" So whoever you are viewing my review, DON'T BUY IT...BEFORE ITS TOO LATE! not a real great game, March 27, 2002 Reviewer: jamesbond__007__ from Bloomington, MN USA this RE game is by far the worst one. The controls are poor, the story really isn't that great, and doesn't add all that much to the actual RE plot. It's more of a Tangent to the storyline than anything else. It was also way too short, as it only took me about 2 hours to beat, and there are no save points. There are no real shocking or really really scary moments as in all the other RE games. It is also very easy to pass better weapons as I did on my 1st time through the game. (I missed all but like 2 or 3 weapons) man this is soooooo dumb, March 12, 2002 Reviewer: A 12-year old gamer from Calldwell, id usa okay look to buy this game youed need to be on somthing this game is easy i beat it in a hour and 2 min dont waste your mony i only got it because it looked kool rent then buy but if you do be ready to laugh at it then beat it with no difrent ending (exsept for who dies at yhe end) I was dis aponted with the tirant so no buy easy, March 12, 2002 Reviewer: A 12-year old gamer from idaho this game was easy. I beat it in one hour. who in thair right mind would like this game. sure it was fun ...... for the first hour. thairs no new ending depending on wich rout you take (besides who gets killed at the end) over all it was too easy. I would stick to 1,2,3, and code veranica. THIS GAME (...), December 15, 2001 Reviewer: Steven H Rice from Ferndale, Washington United States I must say that this game IS REALLY (...) UP . I LOVE RESIDENT EVIL BUT THIS GAME IS A JOKE. FIRST IT COPIED A LOT OF THE MONSTERS OFF MY FAVORITE OF ALL RE2, for now anyways cause i know that they are making RE Zero and RE4 REALLY SOON AND IM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT. SECOND OF ALL I READ SOME OF THE REVIEWS AND 1 CAGHT MY EYE SAYING THAT IT WAS BETTER THAN ALL OF THE OTHERS, AND I MUST SAY THAT THAT IS A TRUCK LOAD OF (...). SORRY BUT IM TO FAR INTO GAMING TO PUT UP WITH THIS (...). Y DID U DO THIS TO ME CAPCOM??? I CAN GO ON AND ON ABOUT HOW MUCH THIS GAME (...) BUT I DONT HAVE THE TIME TO DO THAT CAUSE AS U CANT SEE I HAVE ALREADY WASTED TO MUCH TIME ON THIS (...) GAME. IF U DONT HAVE THIS GAME, DONT GET IT!!! I LOVE RE AND CAPCOM GAMES BUT I MUST SAY THAT THIS WAS A WASTE, I AM HOPING THAT 0, 4 AND I HEAR THAT THEY ARE MAKING SURVIVOR 2 WILL BE BETTER, WITCH IM PRETTY SURE THAT THEY WILL BE AFTER SEEING RE:CODE VERONICA X. WELL I HOPE I GOT THAT THOUGH TO THE PEOPLE THAT THIS GAME WAS PRETTY (...) , AND WHO EVER GAVE IT MORE THAN A 1 SHOULD RECONSIDER WHAT GAMES THAT THEY PLAY AND SHOULD CHANGE THERE TASTE. IM SORRY TO ALL RE FANS FOR THIS DISASTER AS U CAN SEE IM A REAL BIG FAN AND IS JUST AS MUCH DISAPOINTED AS U. this is a okay game, December 6, 2001 Reviewer: A gamer from Kenosha, wisconsin USA this game is a okay game but i rocmend that u rent it first so than u csn see if u like it or not the grahic are so so the game has a good story plot. it about this guy that is a scret agent that get abmisa and thiks he somwe one eals but later in the game he finds out who he rellay is thats all i'm going to tell u so rent the game and find out for your self. This game is fun for about 15 minutes., November 11, 2001 Reviewer: dragonacesg7 from Midwest USA This game starts out rather interesting, if you can from the start ignore the fact that the US has prevented the use of the light gun. (I understand this is because of the recent school shootings. However, without this function the game looses it's apeal rather quickly.) This game has little varition between each senario. Other than two option choices at the very beginning the game is exactly the same through out. It rapidly looses it's challenge and gets completely boring after the you start the second senario. If you are trying to improve your first person shooter skills, rent this game, but I would not recommend purchasing |