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Digimon Rumble Arena
Digimon Rumble Arena
by Bandai
Platform: PlayStation
ESRB Rating: Everyone
ASIN: B00005V9NU
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• Play as or against your favorite Digimon character
• Multiple levels, pitfalls, and other surprising features
• Bonus mini-games
• Easy to learn but hard to put down
• 1-2 players Product Description: Digimon Rumble Arena's user-friendly controls make it easy to learn yet hard to put down. It provides classic fighting gameplay for one or two players, who will compete as one of their favorite Digimon characters in an exciting, exhilarating, and downright digivolving battle. Featuring the cast of the Digimon show from season one through season three, the game is packed with multiple levels, pitfalls, and other surprising traps and features. You can use items to empower your Digimon with special fighting techniques or powers, and battle your Digimon with falling icicles, moving conveyor belts, mechanical arms, falling platforms, and more.
Customer Reviews:
BlackWarGreyMon Fan, September 19, 2002
Reviewer: Brandon C from confidental!
When I first got this game I knew it would be awsome.But the down side is where are some of the first and secound season digimon!I mean come on I would of really liked to of have tentomon in the game.But I guess thats the way life is:[.Since Im wrighting I might as well add some codes in this so reading this might benafent you.
:Do you hate it when your friends pick your fav digimon well heres your chance to get back at them.Hold down select and x at the same time you will be able to get your digimon but it will be a different coler. [If it doesnt work the first time try it again it should work]
RUMBLE ARENA ROCKS, August 17, 2002
Reviewer: A gamer
Ok this is what I think about rumble arena, it rocks. The graphics are not the best, but their pretty cool. When you digivolve the special attack is easy to master. Digivolving is the easiest part of the game. And like I said the graphics are not the best but when you digivolve they get better. Now I don't really have the game, but I played it at my friends house. I would just go ahead and buy it, but if your not sure rent it first. Well thats what I think. HOPE YA LIKE IT!!!
Digimon Rumble Arena is a GREAT GAME!, July 28, 2002
Reviewer: A gamer from Columbus, OH United States
Digimon Rumble Arena is a great game. There are a whole bunch of characters which are from all 3 seasons. Each one has it's own attacks. There are also many secret cahracters. You can also unlock digimon by inputting passwords. I don't know any but I unlocked all of them. In my opinion there is only 1 con. Reapermon is too powerful. All his moves do too much. His O button attack does twice as much as regular O button attacks. I think the best digimon is either Omnimon or Imperialdramon. They have both long range and close range attacks. YOU SHOULD BUY IT!
A fun game, July 23, 2002
Reviewer: A gamer from Colorado Springs, CO USA
The game is challenging and exciting
it's an awesome game!, July 14, 2002
Reviewer: Jacob from North Richland Hills, TX United States
It's almost the only game I play. My favorite character is Beelzemon. Impmon is ok. Omnimon is very good to. I like the strongest digimon.
This Game ROCKS!!!!!!!, July 12, 2002
Reviewer: sugar-n-spice from Columbus, GA USA
I absolutely LOVED this game! It is my favorite digimon game for Playstation! I love being Renamon, because she is very strong! I haven't beaten the game yet. The only digimon I,ve been able to even come close to beaten the game with are Renamon and Gatomon, because they are very strong!
I love being able to Mega digivolve! Sakuyamon, in my opinion, is one of the strongest Mega digimon ever! I only have one little complaint, and that is, this game doesn't have Gomamon. That is my only complaint. I think this game is alot of fun, especially if you love digimon as much as I do!!!
Reviewer: An 11-year old gamer
This game rules!It's very fun and the controls are easy to get used to. This game has excellent music, background, and digimon(duh). Just like Pokemon(but a smaller amount)it has elements of fire, water, and nature. The digimon in this game are in all 3 seasons of digimon!They are Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon, Gatomon, Veemon, Wommon, Guilmon,Terriermon,
Renamon, and Impmon as a hidden character.They all digivolve to megas except Wormmon.There are also 15 hidden characters(including Impmon)and 1hidden stage. It's very much like Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash bros. melee except with only 2 fighters. Like the digimon the stages have their own element but some don't.If your digimon is the same element as the stage you'll get bonus points.They also have 3 mini games.
Buy this game or get fried by Guilmon, July 8, 2002
Reviewer: A 12-year old gamer
This game rocks!!!!!They have almost all the characters but it is still a cool game. For the people that have this game already, here are some tips and cheats. To get Gallantmon write kimjoy as a password. megagargomon-minnyn(password). Sakutamon-kensun(password). Omnimon-serius(password). Wargreymon-qrious.(password). Imperialdramon fighter mode-linmon(password) Imperialdramon paladin mode-royboy(password). Impmon-beat the game as giulmon, terriermon, and renamon. Blacwargreymon-don''t lose a match. If you wanna choose the same digimon as your partner hold select button while 2nd player is picking the digimon you have. beat the game for every other digimon
A fun Game You'll want to play agian and agian., July 5, 2002
Reviewer: Calumon from Brownsville,TX USA
A very fun game you'll enjoy.You can play 1 player mode and 2 player mode.You get to pick your favorite digimon from seasons can pick Augumon,Gabumon,Patamon,Terriermon,Guilmon, Renemon, Wormmon, Veemon and Gatomon.To get more digimon you have to uncover them in the one player mode.When you do you'll end up uncovering Reapermon, Blackwargreymon, Omnimon, Impmon and Imperialdramon palid mode. You can also Digivolve into your mega Form By pushing the R1 button. You get MetalGarurumon, Wargreymon, Seraphimon, Mega Gargomon, Gallantmon, Sakuyamon, Imperialdramon, Magnadramon and Beelzemon. You can also get Champion digimon Stingmon. I like to fight with Guilmon and Impmon because they digivolve into strong Mega digimon. The game even has cool mini games like a digivolving race that after a While your thumb might hurt for pushing the button too many times. A Basketball mini game and a target race. For a Play Station game it's Fun Espicially if you like digimon.
Digimon Rumble Arena Is The Best Digimon Game Ever!, July 2, 2002
Reviewer: A 10-year old gamer
I love Digimon Rumble Arena!It is a great game!The characters are:Agumon, Gabumon, Patamon, Terriermon, Guilmon, Renamon, Wormmon, Vee-mon, and Gatomon.They can Digivolve to their Mega Forms, But Wormmon turns to his Champion.I have all the secret characters.
The secret characters are: Reapermon, BlackWarGreymon, Omnimon, Impmon, Beezlemon, ImperialDr-amon PALINDA MODE, WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Seraphimon, MegaGargomon, Gallantmon, Sakayomon, Stingmon, ImperialDramon, and MagnaDramon.
To get Reapermon,beat 1-player mode.To get BlackWarGreymon, use Reapermon in 1-player mode and hit Agumon until he Digivolves to BlackWarGreymon. To get Omnimon, WarGreymon, and MetalGarurumon, use Agumon and Gabumon in1-player mode. To get Impmon, Sakayomon, Gallantmon, and MegaGargomon ,use Renamon, Guilmon, and Terriermon in 1-player mode. To get Beezlemon, use Impmon in 1-player mode. To get Imperialdramon Palinda Mode, Stingmon, and ImperialDramon Fighter Mode, use Wormmon and Veemon in 1-player mode. To get Seraphimon and MagnaDramon, use Gatomon and Patamon in 1-player mode.
That is how you get all characters. There are minigames too! They are Digi-BasketBall, Digi-Target Test, and Digivolution Race. I do not know any Passwords for finding characters but I found them all. I got this on Friday and beat it Saturday. It is kind of Easy and Hard because Reapermon and BlackWarGreymon were Hard and the Rookies were easy. I use Renamon and Gabumon alot because they are really strong and I never lost with them. I lost with the others less than 4 times but more than 1 time. The introduction is cool.I watch it everytime I play,and when the title screen comes on,Guilmon says Digimon Rumble Arena...